Sunday, February 14, 2010

Follow up part 3 of 3

Greg Lynn
Toy Furniture: Dog Shelf

The last place I went to on the follow up was the Objct Gallery. The portrait I posted was probably one of the worse things I saw at the follow up. I saw this object on the first art walk, but this time I decided to ask about it.

I talked to the guy sitting behind the counter and he said that this art could be used to interpreted the psychology behind the artist. He said this art was right up the alley of any psychology major. I decided to take his word for it. I asked him what it was suppose to be and he told me he was just as clueless. All he knew was that they were reused toys. He also referred me to the name of the piece which was Dog Shelf. This piece was boring and I figured that anyone could glue old dog toys together to make an object. The only pattern I see here is chaos. There is no pattern, but just random parts stuck together enough to make sure it stands. I'm not even sure if it is right side up or not.

I then asked him what people did like and he said most people either liked the silverware (credit goes to camera died and she had a picture of the silverware on her blog) or the things in the window display. I was turned off by the silverware because it was just a set of silverware. It was arranged in a special way, but it didn't do anything for me. There was no aesthetic pull. It was dry and seemed to lack creativity. It was just too ordinary. People loved the window display and I didn't know why. It seemed to lack excitement and nothing but the creepy eye stood out. The color was bland and the big eye put me off drastically. I suppose my taste set is different from everyone else. I didn't see anything really worthwhile in the window display. I also didn’t understand why the window display cost so much. Everything was 100 or above. It seemed to be worth around 20.

To Getty Project
To Art Walk

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